Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting

This webpage exists as a virtual version of the cancelled 2020 North American Annual Meeting. The original meeting’s page can be found here for those interested.

The 2020 Annual Meeting Program includes the original meeting schedule as well as speaker abstracts. Below, you can find the slides that would have been presented by each speaker, as well as YouTube videos of the talks and other links (if applicable), which you can peruse at your own leisure. Here is the link to the ASL YouTube channel which contains all submitted videos.

If you have any questions or run into any problems, please contact Shannon Miller at the ASL Office at

Plenary Lectures

Jeremy AvigadThe mechanization of mathematics
Link to YouTube Talk
Related Links: and

Rina Dechter – Reasoning with deterministic and probabilistic graphical models
Link to Video Talk
*Slides and video are for an earlier talk on which the ASL Annual Meeting talk was to be based.

H. Jerome Keisler – Continuous model theory revisited

Benoit MoninReverse mathematics and the Ramsey’s theorem for pairs

Sandra MüllerHow to obtain lower bounds in set theory


Special Session on Finite Model Theory and Descriptive Complexity

John T. Baldwin – Classes of finite structures that generate strongly minimal Steiner systems

Siddharth Bhaskar Tameness in least fixed-point logic
Related Link:

Special Session on Forcing and Ramsey Theory

David Fernández-Bretón – Finiteness classes inspired by Ramsey theory in choiceless set theory

Natasha DobrinenRamsey properties of Fraïssé structures

Special Session on Logic and Graph Limits

John T. Baldwin Henkin models in the continuum

Alexander RazborovSemantic limits of dense combinatorial objects
Related Link:

Special Session on Model Theory

Roland WalkerDistality rank

Special Session on Philosophy and Logic

Special Session on Proof Theory

Anupam DasRecent developments in non-wellfounded proof theory
Link to YouTube Talk

*Slides and video are for an earlier talk on which the ASL Annual Meeting talk was to be based.

Farzaneh DerakhshanInfinitary proof theory of first order linear logic with fixed points
Link to YouTube Talk

Joan MoschovakisConstructive significance of the negative interpretation of classical analysis

Special Session on Reverse Mathematics and Computability Theory of Ramsey-Theoretic Principles

Paul-Elliot Anglès D’Auriac The reverse mathematics of Hindman’s and related theorems

Marta Fiori Carones – (Extra)ordinary equivalences with ADS

Lu Liu Logic strength of tree theorem

Sarah Reitzes – Reduction games, provability, and compactness
Link to YouTube Talk

Contributed Talks

Caleb CamrudResults in computable model theory of continuous logic
Link to YouTube Talk

Marcos Mazari-ArmidaCharacterizing some classes of rings via superstability
Link to YouTube Talk
Related Links: and

Diego RojasEffective notions of weak convergence of measures on the real line

Dan WillardHow the law of excluded middle pertains to the Second Incompleteness Theorem and its boundary-case exceptions