The following rules apply to abstracts of contributed talks at ASL meetings (including those submitted “by title”); abstracts that do not conform to these requirements will be returned immediately to the authors. Abstracts received after the announced deadline will not be considered.
For ASL meetings in North America (Annual, JMM, APA), at least one author of each contributed abstract must be an ASL member; this does not apply to the ASL European Summer Meeting, Asian Logic Conference, or SLALM. Abstracts are only published as part of the meeting report in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic if at least one author is a member of the ASL at the time the report is sent for publication. This applies to all ASL meetings.
Individuals are invited to submit contributed papers for presentation at an ASL meeting that have logic research content that lies within the scope of the interests of the ASL. Individuals’ names may appear as authors or co-authors on up to 3 abstracts per meeting; however, each set of authors may only submit one abstract per meeting.
Abstracts of contributed talks are limited to 300 words (about three quarters of a page in the standard, 11pt LaTeX article style), including the title, other heading material, and references.
Authors submitting both invited and contributed abstracts must do so via email, preferably as a LaTex or TeX file (see template below); however, ASCII and Doc will also be accepted. Authors may also submit via post as a hard copy. Please note that if you are submitting an abstract using TeX or Word, it should be fully processed and it must be accompanied by a PDF file in which all mathematical symbols are visible and correct for the typeset version.
When submitting abstracts as Tex files, please use the ASL abstract template and associated document class in this zip file: ASL Abstract Templates. Please rename the template using your last name before submitting it as an attachment. Complete instructions on how to use the template are included in ASLabstracttemplate.tex.
To ensure accurate and timely typesetting:
- Each abstract submission must include the complete address of at least one author, including an email address.
- Abstracts may not include drawings or footnotes.
- The references must be complete: author, title, full name of journal, year, volume, page numbers, and for books, complete publisher data.
Typesetting is done immediately after the submission deadline, so abstracts should be in final form when they are submitted. A typeset booklet containing the abstracts will be distributed to participants at the meeting. Galley proofs are given to authors at the time of the meeting or before, and must be corrected, approved, and returned immediately after receipt; no changes other than corrections of typesetting errors may be made.