The Association for Symbolic Logic is proud to sponsor logic meetings all around the world, especially those that provide an effective forum for the presentation, publication, and critical discussion of scholarly work in this area of inquiry. The ASL sponsors many logic meetings each year, in all parts of the world. Normal sponsorship entails announcements in the ASL newsletter and in the Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, a post-conference meeting report in the Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, and the eligibility of student members of the ASL to apply for modest student travel awards to attend those meetings. (Such awards characteristically range up to about USD 600 and will cover a portion of the student’s expenses but not all.)
If you are organizing a conference relevant to the study of logic and the purpose of the ASL, you can begin the process of applying for ASL sponsorship by contacting Russell Miller (co-Secretary-Treasurer of the ASL) at Please include a brief description of your conference, including its topics, dates, location, confirmed or proposed speakers, and the conference website if available. Often this is all that is needed; if we require more information, we will ask you for it.
Applications MUST be received at least five months in advance of the beginning of the conference, the conference must be open to all ASL members, and the applicant himself/herself must be a member of the ASL. It is advisable to cc the ASL Business Office at with your application, to decrease the odds of the email being eaten by a spam filter.
Organizers of ASL-Sponsored meetings are strongly encouraged to adopt the ASL Code of Conduct for their meetings.