Individual Membership


The ASL is excited to announce that we can once again accept members from the People’s Republic of China. Under PRC regulations we remain prohibited from mailing journals to members in China; however, we can offer online access to the journals through Cambridge University Press. Logicians based in China who are interested in joining the ASL as new members are encouraged to apply to the ASL Committee on Membership for a free initial two-year outreach membership by emailing their mailing address and professional affiliation to

Please note that this does not apply to citizenship but to physical residence/employment, i.e. A Chinese citizen employed at a US or European university cannot get a free outreach membership. See more information about this at the bottom of this page (Free Initial Individual Outreach Memberships).

ASL Membership is on a calendar year basis. Regardless of the month you apply for a 1-year membership, it will expire on December 31st of that year. Online applications received by Cambridge University Press in November or December are processed to begin on January 1 of the following year.

The benefits of membership include personal subscriptions to the current volumes of The Journal of Symbolic Logic, The Review of Symbolic Logic, and The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (for which you may select the medium for each) and receipt of the quarterly ASL Newsletter mailing. Student members have the opportunity to apply for travel awards to ASL-Sponsored Meetings.


Cambridge Membership Services

The following membership applications (All Renewals, Student, Unemployed, Emeritus) may be completed via the membership services site at Cambridge University Press, which can be found here:

Payments may be made using Mastercard, Visa, American Express, or by check in USD, GBP, or Euros – Checks are to be made payable to Cambridge University Press. Note that if you use a credit card, your statement will show a charge from Cambridge University Press. If you have any questions please contact

All Renewing Members
Renewals for all types of memberships can be completed online or with a paper form. Please note that if this is your first time renewing, you will need to register on the Cambridge site and set up a new login profile before renewing. You will only need to create this profile once.

For payments by check (or to submit your membership renewal in paper form), please download the appropriate PDF and follow the instructions on the form:

Student Members
Student members receive the same benefits as Regular Members but pay reduced dues of USD57 per year; no future dues payments are permitted. In addition to the application, your Department Chair or Thesis Supervisor must provide the ASL with verification of your student status by emailing

Unemployed Members
Unemployed members receive the same benefits as Regular Members but pay reduced dues of USD57 per year; no future dues payments are permitted. Applications for Unemployed Membership require certification. In addition to completing the application process, please download the certification statement here and email it as an attachment to

Emeritus Members
Retired individuals who have been members of the ASL for at least 15 years receive the same benefits as Regular Members but pay reduced dues set at 50% of Regular Membership dues. Dues for Emeritus Members can be paid for one year or five years in advance at the current membership rate of USD57 per year.

Retired Members
Retired individuals who have been members of the ASL for at least 20 years may have their dues remitted. Retired Members do not receive any journals but do receive the ASL Newsletter and have the right to vote during ASL elections. If you would like to become a Retired Member, please contact the ASL office at or by phone at (860) 486-3989.

Applications for New Regular and New Outreach Memberships

The following membership applications must be completed by downloading and sending the appropriate form to Cambridge University Press via mail or email.

New Regular Members
A discounted introductory rate is available to New Regular Members of the ASL for the first two consecutive years of membership (USD57). Anyone who was an Outreach or Student (paid or nominated) member in the past may apply for the New Regular Member rates. Dues may also be paid for up to 3 additional years at the current full USD114 rate.

To apply for a New Regular Membership, please download and fill out the New Member Application. Once completed, follow the instructions to send it to Cambridge University Press for processing. If you have any questions please contact

New Outreach Members
The ASL offers reduced dues for individual members in developing economies. This program applies to individuals residing in countries whose economies are classified as ‘upper middle income’ or below on the World Bank’s annual list for four of the preceding five years. A discounted introductory rate is available to New Individual Outreach Members of the Association for the first two consecutive years of membership (USD9). After the first two years, the rate for Outreach Members is currently USD18.

To apply for a New Outreach Membership, please download and fill out the New Outreach Member Application. Once completed, follow the instructions to send it to Cambridge University Press for processing. If you have any questions please contact

*Free Initial Individual Outreach Memberships:

The ASL Committee on Membership has some funds available to offer free initial two year outreach memberships. Only individuals residing in (or working at a university in) a country on the World Bank’s list of developing economies may apply for this. To apply for free membership, email your full mailing address and professional affiliation to the ASL Membership Committee at You do not need to fill out a New Outreach Member Application Form if you apply for free membership.