Submission Guidelines
October 5, 2023
See the general description of the RSL for the types of material published in the Review.
Each listed author of a submission to the RSL must be an identifiable human being. In particular, anonymous authorship is not permitted. Pseudonyms are permitted as long as the editors receive full and accurate information about the name and contact data for the author. In light of these requirements, no Artfi cial Intelligence (AI) tool can be listed as an author of any submission. However, any use of such tools in the research for, or the preparation of, the submission should be in compliance with the general guidelines mentioned above and must be fully acknowledged and described to both the editors and readers where relevant in the submission and in a general way in the Acknowledgements section of the paper. Similarly, the use of other general aids, human or machine, in translation, writing or editing should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgements section of the submission. This last requirement does not apply to standard word processing or translation programs.
Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that all persons listed as authors have given their approval for the submission of the paper, and that the same work (1) has not been published elsewhere; (2) is not presently submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere; and (3) will not be submitted elsewhere unless the manuscript is either withdrawn from or rejected by the RSL first. Moreover, each listed author takes responsibility for its content and its compliance with the general guidelines for submissions to the RSL including expectations for proper citations, copyright rules and avoidance of conflicts or interest, defamation, bias, harassment or plagiarism.
Full versions of important papers that have previously been published in conference proceedings are eligible for publication, provided that the submitted paper extends the prior publication in a significant way. When authors submit such a paper, they are required to provide a precise reference to the prior publication and to explain how the submission differs from the conference version. If a paper has been previously rejected by one of the editors, this fact must be disclosed to any new editor if it, or a revised version, is being submitted to another editor.
Due to an increasing number of submissions, RSL is for now limiting both the number of total papers accepted and the length of papers accepted. The new default for total papers accepted per year is 25-30, and the new default is a 25-page limit for the initial submission (with the option to go up to 30 during revisions). However, longer submissions will be considered, although longer submissions will in general be judged by higher standards. Contributors are given the opportunity to explain, in the cover letter, if the rationale for the longer submission relates to specifics of the content, topic, or area.
In addition, authors should be aware of, and abide by, the Association’s general publication ethics policies.
Authors who prefer doubly anonymous refereeing are invited to prepare their papers accordingly and choose this option upon submission. The managing editor will assign a handling editor to your article. The editors will know the identity of the authors, but the referees will not. In any case, authors are not informed of the identity of the reviewers.
All papers should be submitted via the RSL EditFlow Management System. Authors should follow the specific procedures indicated there. As of January 1, 2023 only papers in English will be considered for publication.
All submissions must be PDF documents. Color is not allowed. It is by far best to prepare manuscripts in some version of TeX. The relevant ASL style files can be found at our Author Resources page and can be used for submissions. After acceptance conversion to this style for the final submitted version will provide a better idea of the typeset appearance of the published article.
Formats other than TeX may be acceptable if all mathematical symbols, formulas etc. are entered in equation insertion mode for variants of Word or using MathType for word processors that support it. The source file (e.g. .doc or .docx) will also be required at submission. For submissions prepared in TeX, the .tex file is sufficient.
Note that abstracts are now required for final versions of all papers. AMS classification numbers (MSC 2020) and keywords are also required. If appropriate, ACM CCS designators are strongly recommended. So too are ORCID identifiers for authors.
If you experience technical difficulties with the journal management system, please contact the technical help resources at EditFlow. More global or abstract problems can be sent to the publisher, Richard Shore at
Authors retain copyright in published articles but before publication they will be required to sign a license to publish agreement with the Association for Symbolic Logic. The Journal is now a hybrid publication and so there will be a choice of the type of license. All publications are eligible for the science journal version of CUP’s Green Open Access. Gold Open access is available for a fee (APC) or in accordance with (read and) publish agreements between the sponsoring institutions of the corresponding author and Cambridge University Press and for corresponding authors in certain countries. Information can be found here and on the submission page. Further details will be supplied upon acceptance. After publication, authors will receive a link to a freely accessible electronic PDF file of the published paper.