The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic

The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic was established in 1995 by the Association for Symbolic Logic to provide a journal of high standards that would be both accessible and of interest to as wide an audience as possible. It is designed to cover all areas within the purview of the ASL: mathematical logic and its applications, philosophical and non-classical logic and its applications, history and philosophy of logic, and philosophy and methodology of mathematics.

The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic primarily publishes two types of papers: articles and communications.

Articles present topics of broad interest in a way that is accessible to a large audience. They can be purely expository, survey, or historical articles or they may also contain new ideas or results or new approaches to old results. They may also be open question papers that also lay out the current state and future directions of some subject area.

Communications should be announcements of important new results and ideas in any aspect of logic; they may be short papers in their final form or preliminary announcements (extended abstracts, position papers) of longer, full papers that will be published elsewhere. In any case, they should include, in addition to a description of the new results or ideas, enough history, background, and explanation to make the significance of the work apparent to a wide audience.

Other high quality submissions that do not exactly fit in these categories may be considered. Such submissions should be sent to the managing editor.

To be considered for publication, papers should follow the BSL Guidelines and be submitted online to one of the editors as directed there. Authors should review the ASL’s policy on Publication Ethics.

The Bulletin also publishes abstracts of logic theses. The editor for this section is Sandra Müller, Please see the Instructions for submissions.

The Bulletin also publishes a Reviews Section managed by Clinton Conley. These reviews cover important books and articles (especially collections of related articles) in all areas of the field. These reviews were published in The Journal of Symbolic Logic until the end of 1999.

The Bulletin also publishes obituaries, reports of ASL meetings, notices of interest to logicians, and the annual listing of ASL officers, Council members, committee members, and institutional members of the Association.

General subscription and access information to The Bulletin can be found at Members of the Association can register for an individual account to access all the journals.