World Bank List (as of October 2023 – for 2024 memberships)

The ASL offers reduced dues for individual and institutional members in developing economies. This program applies to members residing in countries whose economies are classified as ‘upper middle income’ or below on the World Bank’s annual list for four of the preceding five years.

Upper Middle Income and Below

Afghanistan Ghana Pakistan
Albania Grenada Papa New Guinea
Algeria Guatemala Paraguay
American Samoa Guinea Peru
Angola Guinea-Bissau Philippines
Argentina Guyana Russian Federation
Armenia Haiti Rwanda
Azerbaijan Honduras Samoa
Bangladesh India São Tomé and Príncipe
Belarus Indonesia Senegal
Belize **Iran, Islamic Republic Serbia
Benin Iraq Sierra Leone
Bhutan Jamaica Solomon Islands
Bolivia Jordan Somalia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kazakhstan South Africa
Botswana Kenya South Sudan
Brazil Kiribati Sri Lanka
Bulgaria Korea, Democratic Republic St. Lucia
Burkina Faso Kosovo St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Burundi Kyrgyz Republic Sudan
Cambodia Lao PDR Suriname
Cameroon Lebanon Syrian Arab Republic
Cape Verde Lesotho Takijikistan
Central African Republic Liberia Tanzania
Chad Libya Thailand
*China, People’s Republic Madagascar Timore-Leste
Colombia Malawi Togo
Comoros Malaysia Tonga
Congo, Democratic Republic Maldives Tunisia
Congo, Republic Mali Turkey
Costa Rica Marshall Islands Turkmenistan
Cote d’Ivoire Mauritania Tuvalu
Cuba Mauritius Uganda
Djibouti Mexico Ukraine
Dominica Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Uzbekistan
Dominican Republic Moldova Vanuatu
Ecuador Mongolia Venezuela, RB
Egypt, Arab Republic Montenegro Vietnam
El Salvador Morocco West Bank and Gaza
Equatorial Guinea Mozambique Yemen, Rep.
Eritrea Myanmar Zambia
Eswatini Namibia Zimbabwe
Ethiopia Nepal  
Fiji Nicaragua  
Gabon Niger  
Gambia, The Nigeria  
Georgia North Macedonia  

*Due to PRC law, the ASL cannot ship journals and/or other content to people in China. All journal access will be online.

**Due to the international financial sanction, the ASL cannot accept payments from people based in Iran.