Lecture Notes in Logic, 28

Logic Colloquium 2005

Costas Dimitricopoulos, Ludomir Newelski, Dag Normann, John R. Steel, editors

Year: 2007

288 pages. Hardcover.
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The Annual European Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, generally known as the Logic Colloquium, is the most prestigious annual meeting in the field. Many of the papers presented there are invited surveys of recent developments.

Highlights of this volume from the 2005 meeting include three papers on different aspects of connections between model theory and algebra; a survey of recent major advances in combinatorial set theory; a tutorial on proof theory and modal logic; and a description of Bernay’s philosophy of mathematics.

Table of Contents

  • Jan A. Bergstra, Inge Bethke and Alban Ponse
    Thread algebra and risk assessment services
  • Mário J. Edmundo
    Covering definable manifolds by open definable subsets
  • Sergei S. Goncharov
    Isomorphisms and definable relations on computable models
  • Deirdre Haskell
    Independence for types in algebraically closed valued fields
  • Eric Jaligot
    Simple groups of finited Morley rank
  • Hannes Leitgeb
    Towards a logic of type-free modality and truth
  • Justin Tatch Moore
    Structural analysis of Aronszajn trees
  • Sara Negri
    Proof analysis in non-classical logics
  • Charles Parsons
    Paul Bernays’ later philosophy of mathematics
  • Greg Restall
    Proofnets for S5:sequents and circuits for modal logic
  • Helmut Schwichtenberg
    Recursion on the partial continuous functionals
  • Michael Sheard
    A transactional approach to the logic of truth
  • Dieter Spreen
    On some problems in computable topology
  • Sergei Tupailo
    Monotone inductive definitions and consistency of New Foundations