Logic Thesis Abstracts in the Bulletin of Symbolic Logic


The Association for Symbolic Logic began publishing abstracts of Ph.D. theses in logic in 2018. These abstracts appear in the Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. Sandra Müller is the editor for this section of the BSL.


Thesis abstracts will be accepted for students who received the Ph.D. in the past three years. The abstracts are to be submitted by the thesis advisor; for a student with two advisors, either one may submit the abstract. It is hoped that the BSL will publish abstracts for all recent Ph.D. theses in logic. The heading for a thesis abstract should give the following information:

  1. Author of thesis
  2. Title of thesis
  3. University or other institution granting degree
  4. Year in which Ph.D. was conferred
  5. Thesis advisor(s)
  6. MSC classification: at least one primary and up to two secondary
  7. url for thesis (optional)
  8. Keywords (optional)
  9. email address for author (optional).

The body of the abstract should briefly say what is in the thesis, what it is about. The suggested length is one page, and two pages is the absolute upper bound. Abstracts should be in English and prepared in TeX. It is expected that most advisors will ask their former students to do the actual writing. The submission should indicate whether it was taken directly from the thesis, and, if not, whether it was prepared solely by the student, solely by the advisor, or by the advisor and student in collaboration. Submitters of abstracts should use the Template for Thesis Abstracts. Please use the Thesis Abstracts zip file which contains the necessary style file and template.


Advisors should send thesis abstracts to Sandra Müller, sandra.mueller@tuwien.ac.at, including both a TeX file and a PDF file. To be accepted, an abstract must be relevant and appropriate for BSL readers. That is, it must be in logic, and it must be neither slanderous nor libelous. Acceptance is solely the decision of the editor for thesis abstracts.