Publication Ethics Policy

December 1, 2021

Actions that can be seen as plagiarism, harassment or other violations of expected norms of legal or professional behavior are often difficult to define in the abstract. The Association of Symbolic Logic, therefore, does not choose to attempt to precisely specify these terms but relies on its editorial boards to determine whether there has been a potential violation of what the Association refers to as Publication Ethics. We also refer authors, editors and adjudicators to general guidelines and discussions about such norms by other organizations which are listed below.

In the event editors or readers of any of our journals believe that they have discovered a potential violation of publication ethics, they should immediately inform the appropriate managing/coordinating editor. The managing/coordinating editor may also discuss the matter with other editors of the same journal. The details of any such allegations shall be forwarded by the managing/coordinating editor of the journal to the Association’s Committee on Publications for adjudication. The individual alleged to be in violation of publication ethics shall be notified, in writing, of the allegations against them by the Chair of the Committee on Publications. They will have thirty (30) calendar days to submit a written rebuttal to the Committee on Publications. This rebuttal may be no more than fifteen (15) pages in length.

After a complete and thorough investigation and deliberation, the Committee on Publications shall issue its determination and any appropriate penalties. The managing/coordinating editor involved shall recuse themselves from the deliberations of the Committee.

In the event an author or submitted manuscript is found to be in violation of publication ethics, the Committee on Publications shall determine the appropriate sanctions. Such sanctions may include, but are not limited to: rejection of the manuscript; banning the author from submitting material to any ASL journal or book series for a period of at least two years; or informing the offender’s head of department, dean or other appropriate official. When the Committee on Publications has made its ruling, it will be communicated in writing to the offending author by the Chair of the Committee. The author may appeal the ruling to the Executive Committee of the Association within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the determination from the Committee on Publications. The Executive Committee shall base its determination solely on the record before it and shall have the responsibility of making a final and binding ruling.

In the event a published work is found to be in violation of publication ethics, the Association of Symbolic Logic shall follow the procedure above. Sanctions issued by the Committee on Publications in addition to those above may also include, but are not limited to, requiring a written apology from the author; a retraction or correction in the journal in which the publication appeared; or, in the case of a published book, a retraction or correction in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.

The Association of Symbolic Logic prohibits any retaliatory behavior, including, but not limited to intimidation, reprisal, and harassment, directed against any member, author, editor or publisher of the Association who files a complaint alleging a violation of publication ethics or participates in an investigation of the same.

In terms of ethical guidelines we point in particular to the Committee on Professional Ethics (COPE) Guidelines. We also find the American Mathematical Society Ethical Guidelines to be helpful. In addition, we are bound to reference the Ethical Standards of Cambridge University Press and, in particular, the current version of the main document referenced there: Publishing Ethics: Academic Research. A more general one is CUP’s Code of Ethics. Also relevant for harassment and other interpersonal relations is CUP’s Dignity at Work Policy.

On the legal front we must point as well to all relevant data protection legislation including the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679), as amended or updated from time to time and regulations about economic or trade sanctions imposed by Her Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom; the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the U.S. Department of State; the European Union; and/or the United Nations Security Council.